Specialists - Just do what you can do best
Taurelin 518
For details see deck descriptions. For mulligan-decisions, Unexpected Courage (-> Beregond) becomes no.1 priority. Galadriel can help the Tactics-deck with threat reduction and carddraw whenever appropriate.
Playtesting 2-handed (number in parentheses = mastered on attempt x)
- Escape from Dol Guldur (1)
- Peril in Pelargir (1)
- The three Trials (1)
- The Battle of Carn Dum (2 with sideboard)
- The Dread Realm (1)
- Raid on the Grey Havens (1)
- A Storm on Coba's Haven (2)
- City of Corsairs (1)
- Race across Harad (2)
- Assault on Dol Guldur (2) ("easy" mode, -deck with Legolas + tools instead of Eowyn)