Double Burglar Decks
Jtothemac 483
It's been confirmed that multiple players can run the same contract. With this in mind, these decks become all about clearing locations and maximizing the boons. These decks turtle a bit, focusing on clearing locations, getting loot into play, and getting the side quests cleared. Yes, there is now a +2 quest point hit on active locations, but what you will find is that these decks do not struggle with questing. Haldan gives you an extra 2(!!) cards per turn, while the Gondor/Rohan side will focus the attention on triggering abilities and bringing in chumps while we wait for the big weapons to come in. With two burglar decks, your chances of drawing combat weapons increase significantly. There will be some repeats that you need to account for, but these are few and far between.
I would suggest to pull in Rally the West as your starting side quest and try to clear that out as soon as possible. Once you do, you will not even feel the +2 quest point hit, as thurindir makes up for it himself. The Forest Road Traveler's become absolute beasts in this game, with basically a 3,3,3,2 score throughout the game for only 2 cost.
We're all about clearing locations and getting more of them into play, if possible. Strider's path is the best card in this fellowship, especially when you are looking for locations.
This fellowship isn't great against certain quests, especially ones that punish chumping and ones short of locations. Some tweaking needs to occur depending on the challenge. Overall, however, the sheer strength that is brought in the end game with these decks are incredible, and this is definitely the fastest card draw I've seen shy of a Erestor deck.
Just wondering about elf-stone in the Summon the Army! Deck. It will be ‘guarded’ behind the active location, and once you’ve cleared the location to be able to use it, there will no longer be an active location for you to attach it to so you would need to take it into your hand. As that deck has no lore heroes, how will you manage to play it? (I’m also wondering how you’ll manage to play the leadership and lore allies in this deck - are you just making use of put into play effects which mean they only stay on the battlefield for the one round?)