TR1: The Fords of Isen, 2-handed solo, progression
mttrchrds 238
A surprisingly enjoyable first scenario of the cycle. I say suprising for two reasons:
- I'd read time and again that this cycle was possibly the weakest, with overly complicated mechanics.
- This scenario requires very specific deck building - which I'm not a huge fan of.
The mechanics actually work really well. Time mechanic is great and really adds to the experience (I didn't find it annoying in the slightest). The punishment for large hand size is actually refreshing.
With the right deck it's not a hugely punishing scenario. At the same time, each victory felt hard fought.
The decks are built to be able to keep the hand size low. This is achieved via:
- low cost cards
- reducing amount of combo and insurance cards
- keeping event cards to a minimum
- inclusion of various cards which helped to reduce hand size, such as Éowyn and Trollshaw Scout
A Spirit questing and staging area sniping deck. A Tactics combat deck. The mono decks also helped funding for cards in their sphere.
Really nice to play some cards in these decks for the first time.