TR2: To Catch an Orc, 2-handed solo, progression
mttrchrds 238
Such a tricky scenario! Took me quite a while to actually beat it. I tried Gondor decks, trap decks, Rohan...
I finally ended up going back to the dwarves.
The reason this is such a tough scenario is:
- You pretty much have to put tokens on the quest every round
- Because of the above, travelling to locations is not ideal
- The locations punish you for sitting in staging - and there are a lot of them
- Finally, there are plenty of enemies (with a couple of decent hitters)
This fellowship has a player concentrating on questing (deck 2) and the other dealing with enemies (deck 1). Location lock is very likely. Having cards to put tokens on locations without travelling to them is key. Without Lore (and Asfaloth in particular) this becomes tricky. I found Legolas (and ideally Blade of Gondolin) a big help here.
This was the tougest scenario since Cair Andros in my opinion. Definitely one to revisit if I fancy a challenge.