The Drúadan Forest - Nightmare - 1 Player - 2023-11-30

Victory with a score of 117 points on November 30, 2023
Graffuh 46

Gondor nr 1 (unpublished)

Played by Graffuh

The Oath - 1 Player - 2023-12-14

Victory with a score of 186 points on December 15, 2023
AltarofPan 59

The Ring Goes South - 1 Player - 2024-03-22

Victory with a score of 104 points on March 23, 2024
Cafetetera 7
Truffmen 1

The Steward's Fear - 1 Player - 2024-06-14

Victory with a score of 134 points on June 15, 2024
Yurificacao 56

Mount Gundabad - 1 Player - 2024-09-01

Victory on September 02, 2024
rueful_knight 22

Dale Don't Fail (unpublished)

Played by rueful_knight
darthway 16

Return to Mirkwood - Easy - 1 Player - 2024-12-02

Victory with a score of 159 points on December 02, 2024
Dullregard 9

Return to Mirkwood Ia (unpublished)

Played by Dullregard

The Seventh Level - 2 Players - 2019-03-24

Victory with a score of 188 points on March 24, 2019
Oathman 8

Assault on Osgiliath - 2 Players - 2019-05-15

Victory with a score of 94 points on May 15, 2019
anvadij 1
Elessar010 556

Aid to Gondor - Heirs of Numenor (unpublished)

Played by manoftomorrow010

The Fords of Isen - 1 Player - 2019-09-07

Victory on September 07, 2019
Mathrandir 72

The Fords of Isen - 1 Player - 2019-09-27

Victory with a score of 106 points on September 27, 2019
Prodicus 76

The City of Ulfast - 1 Player - 2020-01-21

Victory on January 22, 2020
Alduc 596

The Dead Marshes - 1 Player - 2020-02-24

Victory with a score of 126 points on February 24, 2020
dazfoot 21

Tri-sphere Mirkwood 2 cores (unpublished)

Played by dazfoot

Flight from Moria - 1 Player - 2020-04-28

Victory with a score of 68 points on April 28, 2020
Taudir 339
Popesalami 1

[deleted] (unpublished)

Played by Popesalami

[deleted] (unpublished)

Played by Popesalami

Win - The Battle of Carn Dûm - 1 Player - 2020-05-09

Victory with a score of 175 points on May 10, 2020
kattattack22 859
WTFpancake 3

Dúnedain Trappers for The Morgul Vale (unpublished)

Played by WTFpancake
nimrand 135

The Hobbit Thematic Dwarf Deck (unpublished)

Played by nimrand

The Treachery of Rhudaur - 1 Player - 2020-07-26

Victory with a score of 112 points on July 26, 2020
Graffuh 46

[deleted] (unpublished)

Played by Graffuh

Passage Through Mirkwood - 1 Player - 2020-09-23

Victory with a score of 90 points on September 24, 2020
ThiagoPPS77 21

Full hands (unpublished)

Played by ThiagoPPS77
Ercusharita 1

[deleted] (unpublished)

Played by Ercusharita
joepa70 2

The Line Unbroken - Treachery of Rhudaur Deck 1 (unpublished)

Played by joepa70

The Line Unbroken - Treachery of Rhudaur Deck 2 (unpublished)

Played by joepa70
Shadowstb 102
Kezerk 9
Caeon 1

Dwarfs (unpublished)

Played by Caeon

The Antlered Crown - 1 Player - 2021-04-30

Victory with a score of 101 points on April 30, 2021
Erhord 45

Strength and Courage ft. Grimbeorn 2 (unpublished)

Played by Erhord

A Journey to Rhosgobel - 1 Player - 2021-05-27

Victory with a score of 116 points on May 27, 2021
Shadowstb 102


Played by Shadowstb

The Lonely Mountain - 1 Player - 2021-07-20

Victory with a score of 25 points on July 20, 2021
celtic77 8

Enanos en secreto, campaña Hobbit, 6ª aventura (unpublished)

Played by celtic77