Return to Mirkwood - 2 Players - 2019-12-27

Defeat on December 28, 2019
snakecity 18

Return to Mirkwood - 2 Players - 2019-12-27

Defeat on December 28, 2019
snakecity 18

The Hunt for Gollum - Nightmare - 1 Player - 2019-12-26

Victory with a score of 97 points on December 26, 2019
Rimogard 316

Arwen’s Royal Silvan Escort (unpublished)

Played by Rimogard

Foundations of Stone - 1 Player - 2019-12-28

Victory with a score of 87 points on December 28, 2019
Rimogard 316

Arwen’s Royal Silvan Escort (unpublished)

Played by Rimogard

Game #4 - Escape from Dol Guldur

Defeat on December 28, 2019
boardjamesgeek 8

Game #1 - Passage Through Mirkwood

Victory on December 26, 2019
boardjamesgeek 8

Game #2 - Journey Along the Anduin

Defeat on December 26, 2019
boardjamesgeek 8

Game #3 - Journey Along the Anduin

Victory with a score of 129 points on December 27, 2019
boardjamesgeek 8
Rimogard 316

Protectors of Lorien and Mirkwood (2023) (unpublished)

Played by Rimogard

The Dead Marshes - 1 Player - 2019-12-26

Victory with a score of 105 points on December 26, 2019
ScreamingJockie 1
snakecity 18

The Dead Marshes - 2 Players - 2019-12-24

Defeat on December 25, 2019
snakecity 18
kobeljic 290

Into Fangorn - 1 Player - 2019-12-25

Victory with a score of 69 points on December 25, 2019
Chris3S 1

Quick lore against huorns (unpublished)

Played by Chris3S
snakecity 18
snakecity 18
snakecity 18

Foundations of Stone - 1 Player - 2019-12-23

Defeat on December 24, 2019
lordrodd 22

Peril in Pelargir - 1 Player - 2019-12-23

Victory with a score of 121 points on December 23, 2019
pissacco 11

Into Ithilien - 1 Player - 2019-12-23

Defeat on December 23, 2019
pissacco 11

Into Ithilien - 1 Player - 2019-12-23

Victory with a score of 153 points on December 23, 2019
pissacco 11

Road to Rivendell - 1 Player - 2019-12-22

Victory with a score of 76 points on December 22, 2019
Rimogard 316

The Sneaky Fellowship (unpublished)

Played by Rimogard

Intruders in Chetwood - 1 Player - 2019-12-22

Victory with a score of 105 points on December 22, 2019
lmattila 1

The Battle of Carn Dûm - 1 Player - 2019-12-22

Victory with a score of 162 points on December 22, 2019
tmotylik 20

ranger-dunedain-gondor-carn dum-solo-clone (unpublished)

Played by tmotylik

The Fords of Isen - 1 Player - 2019-12-22

Victory with a score of 151 points on December 22, 2019
Chris3S 1

Over the Misty Mountains Grim - 2 Players - 2019-12-22

Victory with a score of 159 points on December 22, 2019
pissacco 11

Into Ithilien - 1 Player - 2019-12-22

Victory with a score of 91 points on December 22, 2019
Rimogard 316

The Sneaky Fellowship (unpublished)

Played by Rimogard

The Weather Hills - 1 Player - 2019-12-22

Victory with a score of 109 points on December 22, 2019
lmattila 1
snakecity 18

The Three Trials - 1 Player - 2019-12-21

Victory with a score of 184 points on December 21, 2019
Prodicus 76

Forest Folk (unpublished)

Played by Joseph