Wood Elves and Sky Rulers

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NERD 808

I was thinking about The Last Alliance. Rohan/Silvan decks are fun, and Rohan/Eagle decks are absurd with Thengel. However, I have never seen a Silvan/Eagle deck... so I decided to make one. This entertaining deck is the result.

To demonstrate how fun this deck can be, let's take a look at an ideal scenario:

  1. Trigger the Last Alliance on Celeborn at the beginning of the turn.

  2. You buy Reinforcements in the combat phase, putting Meneldor and Gwaihir into play.

  3. Gwaihir grabs a Chieftain of the Skies from your discard pile, letting you ready an ally.

  4. Alagos generates a resource.

  5. After a powerful combat phase, all three of your eagles go under an Eagles of the Misty Mountains that you previously bought using Thranduil's action and the contract.

  6. You can even trigger a Golden Crown after the allies are used but before they leave play.

  7. You spent a single resource to ready an ally, boost Eagles of the Misty Mountains three times, and use three Celeborned eagles for a phase.

  8. Tome of Atanatar can let you do something similar again the next turn.

While that combo is strong, it requires a ton of card draw. Thus, I would recommend adding another Legolas and Prepare for Battle if not playing with a companion deck that can give you cards. Pairing this alongside Thengel is also quite good. Regardless, this deck is a ton of fun to play. By the way, Captains of the West is a rarely used card that fits perfectly here.

Have fun, NERD


Oct 25, 2022 doomguard 1976

you cannot use celeborn and thranduil with the contract in the same round (in your description, celeborn beginn of the round and combatphase thranduil with eagle)

Oct 25, 2022 Seastan 42202

@doomguard I think the idea is that you used the contract with Thranduil to play Eagles of the Misty Mountains on an earlier turn, prior to pulling off this big combo.

Oct 25, 2022 NERD 808

@Seastan You are correct. I guess my description was unclear. While very unlikely, you can almost do the full combo on turn two. If you buy nothing the first round, you can obtain an Eagles of the Misty Mountains via Thranduil and then buy Reinforcements bought with Alagos' generated resource. While you can't benefit from Celeborn while buying and boosting the Eagles of the Misty Mountains, it can still help in the early game.

Oct 26, 2022 doomguard 1976

that makes sense. in that case, i think, Captain's Wisdom could help.

Oct 26, 2022 NERD 808

I considered Captain's Wisdom. However, O Lórien!, The Last Alliance, and Golden Crown offer a fair bit of resource acceleration. Plus, there is little card draw.