The Ale's of Erebor

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Card draw simulator
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Ipswatch 429

My favorite thing to come out of AleP thus far is definitely the Bree archetype. It's a place where theme and mechanics come together really well. That being said, I find the standard lineup (Barliman, Harry, Nob) a bit oversaturated after seeing them made over and over again. To help eleviate this issue, and after many discussions with old Butterbur about what his cut would be, I am pleased to announce that the prancing pony is expanding to service new markets! The first of which is opening in Erebor!

Overall Idea This deck is planning to take as many undefended attacks as possible. The main target for those attacks will be Gloin, who will quickly become the richest hero on the table. Using attachments such as Bree Pony, Spare Pipe, Pint and Half-pint, Gloin should quickly have close to double his normal health, and plenty of healing options available to him.

Starting Had Bree Pony's are always good to see right off the bat, but the number one card to look for is Narvi's Belt, as this allows you to fund the rest of the deck off of the pile of money Gloin will accumulate.

Combat Scheming Staddler has proved the most reliable source of damage from this deck. It struggles a bit to overcome the questing demands early game, and doesn't expect to have many allies ready to fight early on. This deck does intend on sacrificing some allies early on if Gloin isn't up to taking another undefended attack, but The Last Alliance helps make sure replacements are cheap when they come to hand. once Gloin has Gondorian Fire and In Service of the Steward on him as well, he can start one shotting anything that Sauron dares throw at you.

Multiplayer If you are feeling generous, there are some nice tax deductions should you decide to add Parting Gifts to your deck. This can be quite helpful if you are playing alongside the Fangorn branch of the Prancing Pony Empire...


Jul 19, 2023 doomguard 2006

to make muh o many res i woul add Lay of Nimrodel to give a great willpowerboost in mid-late. furthermore Song of Healing + Elven-light is the combo or Glóin i he has acces to spirit.