The Hobbit Progression - The Battle of Five Armies - Solo

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
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None. Self-made deck here.
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Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

hawkeye007 28

Using a mono solo deck made defeating this scenario significantly easier.

Weaknesses of the deck. High starting threat. Low Normal Questing power.

Strengths: High siege and battle questing (necessary for this one), the mono nature of the deck eliminates the impact of some treachery cards, tactics is good because there's quite a bit of fighting.

Thalin Can one shot bats which often provides much needed breathing space. Also, his 2 in battle and siege quests actually comes in handy.

Beorn A wrecking ball. The deck has no healing but he should be able to defend and attack 2 to 3 times. Also, he really helps in battle questing. Wargs put Beorn at great risk... Quick Strike, Feint, Hands Upon the Bow and Gandalf can mitigate the risk.

Bard the Bowman We really want Bard to pick up a Blade of Gondolin which will allow him to place progress on one of 3 Quests that are simultaneously in play. A single progress token will eliminate the negative effect that each that exists on each quest stage.

Bilbo Baggins Bilbo should immediately dig for Bilbo's Magic Ring and then Sting during the first round. You'll want to use the ring to gain a resource during the first few rounds as some encounter cards require you to expend pipe resources. Keep your eye on your threat level to determine if you can keep using the ring or not.

Mulligan for a Blade of Gondolin. Both Foe-hammer and Goblin-cleaver require players to exhaust a weapon so getting a weapon is important. The Blade of Gondolin has the added benefit of being able to manage questing stages 2, 3, and 4 (which are in play at the same time) much more efficiently.

I recommend starting off battle questing. Getting progress on the battle quest stage will prevent an extra enemy from coming onboard. Then get a few progress tokens on the other 2 quest stages to prevent their negative effects from firing. After that whenever you can be successful doing a normal quest I would do so. Pick your spots to pull off successful normal questing. There's just enough normal questing power in the deck to complete that stage but it could get rough. You'll be able to easily quest through the other two stages.