Hirgon and Lothiriel play allies

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Hirgon and Lothiriel play allies 0 0 1 1.0
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
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arjansh 1

The idea of the deck is to play Tactics allies more cheaply using Hirgon or to get allies with good question power/comes into play effects into play using Lothíriel.

I managed to beat the first two scenarios of The Lost Realm with this deck (switching some cards), but I'm stuck at the Deadmen's Dike scenario now (I only tried that one once however).

Cards in this deck I'm not sure about:

  • Behind Strong Walls and Defender of Rammas: They should work well together, but I haven't seen that yet myself
  • Boromir I can get it in to play, but it generally takes two hits and then it's gone.
  • West Road Traveller I tend not to play this using Lothíriel, since then the response doesn't trigger, but I do like it, because of the effect and both the staying questing power.
  • Skinbark This worked very good in the first two scenarios, because of all the orcs, but now, with no orcs to fight, maybe I should replace it with something else

If anyone has some good ideas or inspiration to improve this deck (note that I don't have access to a lot of cards), please comment.

Update: I moved Skinbark to the sideboard, and added some extra cards which I used for Deadmen's Dike to the sideboard, only including the ones I own. Some of the ideas in the comment sounded good, but I don't have those cards (yet). Once the Elves of Lorien starter deck is in stock again, I will buy it immediately. I also have the other two revised expansions on my "to get" list, so once I have those, I should have more options.

I'm going to replay the The Weather Hills now first, to try and get one of the Boons, which should also make Deadmen's Dike easier.