This deck is part of Mormegil’s Deckbox, an effort to create an extensive catalogue of decks for the different archetypes, themes and playing styles available to players. Click here to check out the whole project.
Preferred Player Count: 1-4
Rating: .5
This is my attempt to build a strong Fellowship deck out of cards only included in the RCO content. The best Fellowship decks (in my experience) flip the contract quickly, preferably in the first two rounds. Which means that you need essentially three components:
- Card advantage to see enough allies (covered by the likes of Erestor, Elven-light, A Very Good Tale and Drinking Song).
- Resource acceleration to get these allies out (as brought by Arwen Undómiel, Denethor, Steward of Gondor, To the Sea, to the Sea!, A Very Good Tale and some others).
- Enough unique allies with around 20 being the target I set to guarantee and early flip and a high likelihood of a good A Very Good Tale.
With these things covered, I felt comfortable enough with this deck performing well in most challenges due to its high tempo and stat pressure.
How To Play
With draw covered by Erestor, the thing I look for above all else is resource acceleration. To the Sea, to the Sea! primarily and Steward of Gondor as an alternative are therefor cards I very rarely mulligan away to set me up for my swarm. Late-game, in addition to the bonus provided by the Fellowship contract, you can cycle two Lords of the Eldar per round (as you will have an empty deck quickly and 6 resources per round on Arwen Undómiel due to 2 additional ones from Steward, and one each from Denethor's and her own ability as well as Magic Ring). That should be enough to absolutely steamroll most challenges provided by the encounter deck.
Elrond, Faramir and Robin Smallburrow are really good includes especially in multiplayer (where I would advise you to remove at least one copy of Henamarth Riversong). Silver Harp and Elrond's Counsel enable you to go for a somewhat more sustainable playing style, however in most cases, I found the swarm-and-crush-approach too overwhelming and robust for the encounter deck to need those tools.
Hi Mormegil ! It's always a pleasure to read your description and play your decks. A great source of inspiration ! I think this deck may have more consistent results than the classic and thematic 100% Noldor Fellowship with Cirdan and Narya (even if we lost the Narya's bonus and readying advantage), because we are sure to have access to the Leadership sphere from the first turn and we get 2 more resources from the initial setup. Denethor's ability to transfer resources can also speed up the general setup of the Fellowship contract. Thanks for the deck !