Boromir's Fast Brand

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Roka 1659

This deck is designed to get as fast as possible Gondorian Shield and A Burning Brand on Boromir.

Some informations

  • I'm not using Blood/Fire in this deck. Shield and Brand are enough against most enemies (the bigger ones you can chump-block) and it doesn't feel that broken.
  • Without Spirit, it was hard to muster enough questing power, so I took the best Lore allies. Lindon Navigators are great with Erestor.
  • Once Boromir is set up, play the same attachments on Denethor.

Aug 30, 2017 Seastan 43899

Good idea! Some thoughts:

  • Captain of Gondor would be perfect here since you are using Boromir to attack and defend.
  • Sneak Attack and Gandalf can work on the first turn, but do you find yourself ever hitting that combo on later turns, drawing just 4 cards?
  • Rosie Cotton, Celebrían's Stone, and Hamfast (upcoming card) can all net you 2 willpower for 2 leadership resources.
  • Knights of the Swan can help kill anything that Boromir can't on his own.

I'd be willing to bet by swapping some lore questers for the above leadership ones you could even drop steward for Gaining Strength and you'd have enough resources to fuel your economy (in case someone else at the table wants Steward).

Aug 31, 2017 AKrafty 22

Looks sweet! Anxious to try a deck that can get going quickly. It seems the encounter deck in current quests set up so fast now a days, *Cough cough Black Serpent :(

Sep 05, 2017 Aurion 882

Why include We Are Not Idle when you haven't got any dwarves to exhaust?