To the Eyrie

Event. Cost: 2.

Response: After an ally is destroyed, exhaust 1 Eagle character to move that ally from the discard pile to its owner's hand.

The pale peaks of the mountains were coming nearer, moonlit spikes of rock sticking out of black shadows. The Hobbit
Ben Zweifel

A Journey to Rhosgobel #54. Tactics.

To the Eyrie

This is the worst card in the entire card pool.

Seastan 46046
Can't disagree with that — MDuckworth83 3957
My best use for this card is to discard it to Elven Spear for +1 damage — MDuckworth83 3957
Who knows it could be used in a grave cairn deck, with imrahil (leadership) and women — SamthemanGamgee 479
Eomer* (tactics) with the ally bounce theme — SamthemanGamgee 479

To the Eyrie is a terrible card. I'm sure I'm preaching to the choir here, but just look at it. It's eerie how bad this is. You pay two resources (not inexpensive) and exhaust an eagle (don't want to do that) just to return a dead ally to hand (as opposed to back into play). I suppose some corner-case scenario could be found where this is remotely useful, but this is just plain bad.

I'm playing return to mirkwood now and I want to ask if I can use this card on Gandalf in case that he will be killed by attercop, attercop? — matrosh 554
If it is ally Gandalf, yes. — legofiddl3 15