
Hero. Threat: 11. 1   3   2   5  

Gondor. Noble. Warrior.

This card was errata'd

Action: Raise your threat by 1 to ready Boromir. (Limit once per phase.)

Action: Discard Boromir to deal 2 damage to each enemy engaged with a single player.

" Gondor we must trust to such weapons as we have." The Fellowship of the Ring
Tiziano Baracchi

The Dead Marshes #95. Tactics.


With her slender body, eyes to drown in and shapes to dream away, she introduces you to the feminine beauty that you have never been able to match. Her slender round ass makes you melt, and her soft, perfect breasts, combined with her tight body, are a paradise in itself. She wants you to discover the art of bringing an erotic massage with this body ... Erotische) massage

Heat pumps to produce energy-efficient heat. When we think of a heat pump , it is still synonymous with heating on cold winter days. Rightly so. Wasn't a heat pump designed for heating? Today this is no longer the case. Or rather: not just heating.  <a href="">Warmtepompen</a> — Digital_Zone 14
So popular to even draw in the spambots :D — Alonewolf87 2449
Sadly, I think this is the best review this card currently has. — NoSoup4you 852

Even with his errata Boromir still stands well in his spot. The steadfast hero goes great with a Gondorian Shield and has access to a multitude of great weapons and armour to make this Captain of Gondor a cut above the rest.

The designers have done a fantastic job of capturing the theme of this character standing fast in his Fellowship form. Great card.

Zukin 174

Got errated:

Boromir SoM 95
Should read: “Raise your threat by 1 to ready Boromir. (Limit once per phase.)”

Sarseth 177
I think he is still great with his new limitations. He can defend attacks during the quest phase, and with only a few readying cards, you get one extra readying effect. — Lecitadin 205
Errata in a co-op game is the most laughable idea I’ve ever heard of. — Boris_the_Dwarf 10

Boromir is OP. Period. Even without the Blood/Fire/Steward shenanigans he's incredible. With the amount of threat reduction available at this point in the game's life, you could build a deck entirely devoted to threat reduction to keep that Boromir player up and running. There's also the deck idea of setting up the other players to do their thing and then die before revealing encounter cards. Boromir fits right in to it. Honestly, there is no limit to the power of Boromir (and I don't want him errata'd!). — Sarseth 177
So what Sarseth? I'm currently waiting for FFG to issue me a replacement card. If it's not on my card, I play according to what's written on it. — pd187540 43
Sarseth is not responsible for your card errata. They are only keeping us updated as a community on new rulings, which is incredibly helpful in comparison to your contribution here. Play the game how you wish, no one is forcing you to scribble out the text on your old Boromir card. — Zukin 174
With her slender body, eyes to drown in and shapes to dream away, she introduces you to the feminine beauty that you have never been able to match. Her slender round ass makes you melt, and her soft, perfect breasts, combined with her tight body, are a paradise in itself. She wants you to discover the art of bringing an erotic massage with this body ... <a href="">Erotische massage</a> — Digital_Zone 14

I honestly don't care if this card got errata'd. My original card doesn't have "(limit once per phase)," so unless FFG gives me a free replacement Boromir card, whatever's written on the card stands.

Not seeing how this qualifies as a review... — TheNameWasTaken 9
Seems you're really upset at the Errata. At the end of the day, you can choose to play the game however you intend to, with or without the errata Boromir is a great hero. If you're not intending to play him at any official store events like the Wizards quest, in a competitive sense, there isn't much of a problem. However I can understand that you need to voice your frustration on the matter, we can't really do anything here as a community to help you. Redirect your anger at FFG through the right means of contact on their website, not on a community card database, I can vouch that the LOTR LCG team is very active on customer questions and concerns. — Zukin 174
Agreed. It’s a co-op game. I’ll be playing the cards as written. — Boris_the_Dwarf 10