On the Doorstep Solo

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Wandalf the Gizzard 2421

This is the deck I used to complete the three quests from On the Doorstep, the second half of the Hobbit Saga, solo, progression style. Since I wanted to use any treasures I discovered, I kept the same heroes as my deck for OHaUH (link below), but subbed in some of the new cards from OtD.

The general strategy is the same, with few fundamental changes. There are a few more big unique dwarf allies and a change of scenery in the realm of card-draw.

My strategy for Flies and Spiders is fairly straightforward. Just play like you would with a Dwarf swarm deck, stalling on stage one, until there are virtually no encounter cards in play and Magic Ring is attached to Bilbo (his new ability of searching your deck for treasures is great). Ready all of your unconscious characters quickly, before the Spiders overwhelm you. Once you are back under control, stage three and four should be a breeze. The three elvish blades are also subbed in for this quest

The Lonely Mountain can be quite easy if you take a single treasure card and run, but this deck is also strong enough to steal all five with a bit of luck and some Western Slopes. You really need to quest successfully right out of the gates, but that's not too hard with no combat to be done! Hopefully you'll be able to keep up in terms of willpower, and consistently steal a treasure each round. I always keep a few allies back in case Smaug starts chaining, but Dawn Take You All should mitigate the chance of that happening. Once you have all five treasure cards, or decide to value life over wealth, stage three can can smashed in on hit after traveling to the Lonely Mountain. The only treasure I use for this quest is Bilbo's RIng

Side note: I have pulled out wins against this quest after Smaug took me to stage four, but I do not recommend it unless you are desperate to discover all five treasure cards.

Battle of Five Armies is easily the most difficult of the Hobbit saga quests, but quite winnable as long as the cards don't fall horribly wrong. You really need to put progress on all three quest stage ASAP, and keep them there! This can be nearly impossible if too many Goblins swarm you early on. The worst one to leave be is usually stage four, but that is also the hardest to make progress on for this deck. If you can get progress on all three stages, building a board becomes a whole lot easier. Your dwarf swarm can them grow as normal through a down-hill battle, leading to the anticlimactic defeat of Bolg. I usually use all treasures but Bilbo's Ring and the Arkenstone for this quest.

That's pretty much all there is. Here's the link for my OHaUH deck: https://ringsdb.com/decklist/view/10931/over-hill-and-under-hill-solo-1.0 Thank you for taking the time to read, and enjoy!