32 Pieces of Flair

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Card draw simulator
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Discard Pile

Pirate Brahm 1044

6 pieces of flair is the bare minimum, but we want our heroes to express themselves.

This is a Forth, The Three Hunters! deck that focuses on keeping all three heroes ready throughout the quest and combat phases. I also tried to build the deck in a way that would make it function without the need to immediately flip the contract. The Side B extra willpower and healing is useful, but so is that Side A discount!

This deck needs draw, so mulligan for a copy of Elven-light or use Gather Information to find one.

The strategy for running this deck depends on the order in which you draw those pieces of flair attachments, so fit them on the heroes in a way that will allow Aragorn and Arwen Undómiel handle most of the questing, while Grimbeorn the Old does the majority of the defending and dispatching.