Grim Company (Solo?)

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Grim Company (Solo?) 0 0 3 1.0
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jimthechin 2

Been using Seastan's Eowyn/Eomer/Fastred Three Hunters deck as my "go to" deck for tough scenarios, and have reached a point in the game (as a solo player) that I'm interested in deckbuilding with my favorite characters.

I love the Beornings in the lore, and was hoping to use Na'asiyah as well, as I find her design interesting. In addition, after playing with Seastan's deck, I noticed that after turn 2 you usually just accrue resources without much to spend them on-hence Grimbeorn and Na'asiyah's abilities costing resources combines lore flavor with (hopefully) good in-game synergy

The loss of the Fastred/Eomer combo to knock out problematic enemies before you calculate quest values is a pain, for sure. I'm hoping this is balanced by more efficient murdering in the combat step, with Eowyn and Steed of Imladris pitching duplicate cards to the quest.

In terms of hero slots, I build this deck to utilize both Grimbeorn and Na'asiyah, but understand that questing is a problem. I really wanted to have the 3rd hero be a Leadership hero to use Armored Destrier, but found Spirit Eowyn and Spirit Arwen to be better questers and better outlets for extra restricted attachments, with Arwen being able to get out a T1 Unexpected Courage being a real plus-I am not sure who is better in that slot!

Quick Strike and Rohan Warhorse is a strong combo, allowing Na'asiyah or Beorn to murder a troublesome opponent and then still be ready to either quest or engage in more combat.

This deck solo-ed the 3 Harad Deluxe quests pretty reasonably, with the 2nd quest unsurprisingly presenting the biggest challenge given the deck's low-ish questing value until Forth, The Three Hunters! is flipped. For the rest of the Harad cycle, Black Serpent gave the deck a serious challenge, as I had to restart twice, and the time I won I was at 48 threat, and a Southron Champion had murdered Eowyn and a poor shadow effect killed Grimbeorn the Old, but [Na'asiyah] (/card/12109) was able to kill the Black Serpent!

The Dungeons of Cirith Gurat is basically unplayable with this deck, given the setup requirement to discard until you find an ally-sideboarding Will of the West is necessary in the deck for a "One Deck" run-through. However, solo play with this deck was very enjoyable and tense with the rest of the quests in this Haradrim cycle. Going to take this deck through the Wilds of Rhovanion and related quests next.

The deck also did well in solo play for the Ered Mithrin cycle, except for Fire in the Night, where the rough side quests can really do a number on the 3 Heroes, and I gave up after ~5 tries, and Ghost of Framsburg, where you can really easily threat out. I think some number of Secret Vigilmay be necessary to reduce the threat. Appreciate any comments or advice!