Secret Vigil

Attachment. Cost: 1.


Attach to an enemy. Limit 1 per enemy.

Attached enemy gets -1 .

Response: When attached enemy is destroyed, reduce each player's threat by the attached enemy's printed .

"If simple folk are free from care and fear, simple they will be, and we must be secret to keep them so." Aragorn, The Fellowship of the Ring
Piya Wannachaiwong

The Lost Realm #12. Tactics.

Secret Vigil

An excellent option for shoring up a traditional Tactics deck weakness. This is the best way for Tactics to reduce threat, and you even get to "quest" for one more until you're ready to fire it. It gets better in multiplayer, where it's usually at least as good as the 3-cost The Galadhrim's Greeting - beating Spirit at its own game. It is annoying when you can't find a good target, but it won't be long before at least a 2 comes along.

This card has often saved our asses in many games, since we play in 4 players Fellowship and we see (and kill) loads of enemies each round, with this card often reducing our total threat by 8 - 12 for just one resource. Also the -1 Threat is more useful than one may think, especially coming from Tactics. — Alonewolf87 2456
An outstanding card in Ent decks that are vulnerable to threating out! Include 3, you won't regret it. — Mad Morderan 137

Nice card (as NoSoup4you already noted), but why isn't it a Trap (vs Condition) or an Event (vs Attachment)? See examples below. The flavor text seems to clearly show that the rangers are lying in wait (to keep the Shire safe), and the mechanic of LOTR LCG for the rangers dealing with enemies is Traps. I don't see how Secret Vigil became a Condition Attachment.

Trap: Play Secret Vigil into the staging area unattached. If unattached, attach Secret Vigil to the next eligible enemy that enters the staging area. Limit 1 per enemy. (Same effect in other respects. Compare to Ranger Spikes.)

Event: Choose an enemy in play. That enemy gets -1 this round. When that enemy is destroyed this round, reduce each player's threat by that enemy's printed .

DunYoss 63
The advantage of this attaching immediately is that you can also use it round 1 as sort of WP boost which is very nice in Tactics. For the lack of the Trap trait I am not so sure, especially since in later cycles stuff like Followed and Outmatched were indeed Condition/Traps. — Alonewolf87 2456
Not sure entirely foe the reason as to why it is not a trap. but my suspicion would be that traps, in a general sense. we're more tied thematically to the Gondorian rangers thematically rather than the Dunedain which this card implies. It was also released in the Angmar Awakened cycle, which focused partly on the Dunedain archetype. — Kyeamo 16
My guess it's all #Damrod 's fault. This being a Trap would mean it's literally zero cost card draw, staging area threat strength reduction and player threat level reduction that scales in multiplayer all in one if you have him in play and access to Tactics. — WTFpancake 3