The Council of the Discarding

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Derived from
The Council of the Discarding 5 2 4 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet.
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

GusOrriols 556

Third version of the deck changing some cards and adding another ones. I tested it more and I like a lot how fun it is to play.

Old notes from 1.0: This deck is the best creation I have been able to do with the Council of the Wise contract.

It is a very complicated contract. Because the loss of consistency (the contract forces you to not being able to put more than 1 equal copy of a card), you have to replace it with a much more "opportunistic" game.

Erestor + Gandalf + Arwen Undómiel are the starting team chosen for their abilities. Arwen Undómiel can discard the excess of Erestor's card draw (you don't let me to have consistency, well...Erestor + 70 cards! ha ha ha!) and Gandalf can play the card from the top of the deck. This let us to open the options in each round to maximize own hand, and be able to play events from the top of the deck each phase if it is necessary (with the contract benefits, of course).

The idea is to play cards (attatchments, but more important all the events) cheap (only Shadowfax costs 3 and all the events are there for 0 or 1 cost). Unable to keep cards for Erestor's ability, it is essential that the events (which make the contract benefit you) be playable with few resources, because the resources have to be spended in the allies (using Arwen Undómiel's ability and the playing from the discard pile mechanic.

And nothing else... It is fun and due to the poor consistency of the deck, each game flows very differently.


Nov 06, 2020 Truck 1416

73 cards !