Dude Where's My Dunedain

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The deck that eats threat 1 0 0 2.0
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Card draw simulator
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Thrakhath 63

So I came across askelad's deck a while back, and recently had a weird idea; what if Bilbo Baggins took a bunch of Dunedain on an adventure, smoked a little too much, and then kept getting sidetracked along the way? So I took that theme and ran with it, throwing in Arwen Undómiel, Elladan and Elrohir because a) they're amazing, b) they hang out with Dunedain all the time, and c) I could see them tagging along with Bilbo and the rest making sure he doesn't get into too much trouble.

I've played the deck in the first two Lost Realm scenarios, mainly to get more side quest shenanigans going, and it beat both on the first try. It certainly draws a ridiculous amount of cards; the only sticking point I've had in games and test draws is that Lore resources early on can be difficult to come by. I considered running Song of Wisdom and/or Good Meal to try to mitigate that a little, but so far I haven't needed to. As with most MotK decks, it also gets a little weird if Bilbo is in the starting hand even after a mulligan, but the one time it happened I went with Súlien instead and it was fine. I want to try it against the rest of that cycle and see how it performs, and also to say that I soloed the cycle with a "Dunedain" deck!

Gandalf and his gear are just too good (and fluffy) not to include, plus OF COURSE he'd show up just to see what the hell Bilbo and Elrond's kids were doing out in Arnor.