Solo Progression - Hills of Emyn Muil

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None. Self-made deck here.
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Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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In Play
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hurr_lee 26

See my other progression decks for the rules I follow for these.

This is where the rules are kind of silly but fun. I would never choose Brand son of Bain for any solo quest - and he's really not very suited for this one - but - rules are rules!

Fair warning here - I struggled on this one with this build, with two losses before I got a win - one game I got killed almost immediately with back-to-back treacheries (Necromancer's Reach --> Rockslide). The other loss was a close game where I made a bad decision to use Frodo's ability (combined with a shadow effect) that quickly ramped up my threat - I eventually threated out when I had the needed combo to win the game (but was one turn/one resource short). Third game I won easily. Maybe I underestimated this one?

Here's the record of my run so far, with links to the other decks: