Don’t mess with the bear

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Matthias Maccabeus 64

This is an old school Glóin deck that takes advantage of Song of Mocking and Beorn. My understanding is it targets the damage not the bear so it works. Correct me if I’m wrong. It sill works well without the combo you just have to be a bit more cautious. Gloin takes all the wounds. He heals with Well Preserved every turn. Galadriel keeps the threat mostly in check along with Elrond's Counsel and Gandalf. Gloin plays giant allies every turn. Feel free to mix in some of the artifacts from the sideboard for more hit point shenanigans with Ring of Barahir. You need either Nenya or Song of Wisdom in your opening hand. The rest is fairly self explanatory. Enjoy!


Aug 30, 2021 doomguard 2101

i think u are wrong. because it stand on the song: choose another hero....

if you choose a hero, then the hero is target, not the damage. sadly ;)

Aug 31, 2021 Matthias Maccabeus 64

I wasn't sure, but I thought it had something to do with hit point pool vs hero but you could be correct. I'd just take out Song of Mocking for the 3 artifacts in the sideboard. It works generally just as well.

Aug 31, 2021 doomguard 2101

yea its tricky, look at the wording, Honour Guard Dori and Loyal Hound targets the damage directly