[Tri-sphere] Rise of the Beornings

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bane 73

!!DISCLAIMER!! This is a deck to test one of my new custom Heroes, Ursa. Boromir is a placeholder for my Berana and Glorfindel is Ursa.

You can find Berana here: https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/2719822/article/38395242#38395242

Ursa, still being tested, is not available publicly. If you wish to help me test these new Heroes, send me a DM at BGG, please. For now, her stats are as follows:

[12-cost] Ursa

Beorning. Scout.

3 2 1 6HP Sentinel. May not pay for non-Beorning allies.

Quest Action: Pay a resource from Ursa’s pool to exhaust a Beorning or Creature you control to immediately declare it as an attacker (and resolve the attack) against an enemy at the staging area. (Limit once per round.)

With that said, about the deck: This is a deck focused on action advantage:

  • Berana can defend and attack in the same turn if she flips, or defend multiple attacks as long as she suffers no damage;
  • Ursa may exhaust Berana Tactics for a mauling of an enemy in the staging area, making questing easier;
  • Grimbeorn, obviously, uses his own ability to return a powerful blow at an attacker. This makes him the prominent defender.

The bad side is the resource generation. Two of the three Heroes use up their resources to activate abilities, which means other cards must be cheap. However, Beornings are NOT cheap, which is a problem. For now, The Gathering Storm and Beorning Skin-changer are the main ways of getting the big guys into play. Another nice 'combo' is through the aforementioned Skin-Changer and Sneak Attack'ing for a permanent - costlier - Beorning.

Berana helps smooth that a bit, but each time she defends you must decide if you're stronger by having two good defenders (LBerana + Grimbeorn) or two good attackers (TBerana + Grimbeorn); if the latter, you better have made the best choice, because you're stuck with the raging Tactics Berana for at least 3 turns.

Honestly I'm inclined towards making this a 3-hunter's deck, but still a bit unsure of what would I put in for Ursa. This deck performed well against the four first quests of the game, but that's not saying much. Escape from Dol Guldur was a 1-5, the others all 2-0 (yeah, not trying for a second win at Escape).