The Bear and the Birds

Questlogs using this decklist
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None. Self-made deck here.
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Card draw simulator
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In Play
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gatharion 123

This deck is largely built around the Beorn Hero and keeping him alive. And since Landroval makes for a nice fail-safe for Beorn it's hard for me not to keep expanding into the other Eagle cards. I've used this deck both in solo and multi-player against a variety of quests and while it isn't "top tier", I've found it to be a solidly functional deck.

Basic deck need break-down:

Questing- For a deck that's primarily combat-focused this deck can quest pretty well. No Outlands/Dwarf power-questing, but respectable numbers. Mablung's stat line makes him your jack-of-all trades, but unless he's got Support of the Eagles, he mostly helps Arwen Quest with backup from allies as needed,

Combat- Beorn means you can start taking on enemies right away, which can be real nice at the beginning of the game to help you get control of the board state. Loads of cards to help lessen the defense and damage strain on Beorn, so can (usually) feel okay about letting him take some hits out of the gate.

Resources- Built-in resource generation on Mablung makes it feel like a mono-tactics deck for getting out those eagles while Arwen's resource generation means that she can always pay for those blue cards.

Card Draw- The Eagles are Coming and Elven Light can do a pretty solid job of keeping your hand full.

Threat Control- Gandalf, and a few other threat reduction cards are included.

My Standard Disclaimer I don't play on Octgn or at a game store. I play solo or with my friends, who all use the decks that I have built. This means that I try to keep lots of pre-made decks lying around (I have over 10 at the moment). This further means that those popular standards (A Test of Will, Unexpected Courage, Steward of Gondor, Feint, etc) tend to get spread around and mostly my decks aren't perfectly optimized. Rather than post the perfected versions, I've opted to post what actually ends up getting played at my house.