Little folk amid the trees

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gatharion 123

This starts as a fairly standard low-threat Hobbit deck that uses some engagement shenanigans, but that's really just how the deck bides it's time until time for the ents to march to war! (Hint: Mulligan for Treebeard)

Basic deck need break-down:

Questing- The hobbits can start you off with a respectable seven questing strength and later on your allies should be able to help you keep pace and make progress.

Combat- Avoid combat or let Sam defend against weaker foes for the first few rounds and with the right cards Merry can be quite the giant killer. And once your allies are out and ready, though, there will be precious little that your ents can't tear apart.

Resources- Not a strong suit of the deck, but getting Treebeard out as early as possible helps immensely and A Good Harvest helps with resource smoothing.

Card Draw- Entmoot and Pippin's ability should ensure you're not floundering too badly for cards.

Threat Control- Notta, but such low starting threat means it shouldn't be a major concern.

My Standard Disclaimer: I don't play on Octgn or at a game store. I play solo or with my friends, who all use the decks that I have built. This means that I try to keep lots of pre-made decks lying around (I have over 10 at the moment). This further means that those popular standards (A Test of Will, Unexpected Courage, Steward of Gondor, Feint, etc) tend to get spread around and mostly my decks aren't perfectly optimized. Rather than post the perfected versions, I've opted to post what actually ends up getting played at my house.


Aug 17, 2016 Morgothsfoot 10

This looks fun. Do you have any decks that you play with this one?

Aug 18, 2016 gatharion 123

Any of the decks that I've posted are ones that I've played with this one. Mostly it's only midlin strength when it comes to questing, so accompanying a strong questing deck is generally a good idea.