Gandalf is Strider

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Gerrymander 142

Strider is one of the most unique cards to come out in quite a while. It really opens up the deck building possibilities, making 1 and 2 hero decks truly viable. When combined with Vanish from Sight, it brings a whole new flavor to secrecy decks as well.

Here is my take on a Strider deck, using Gandalf as the one hero of choice. As one of the most powerful heroes in the game when combined with all of his toys, he seemed like the obvious choice. This deck contains all of his toys, some added bonuses to help with readying and resource acceleration, and a couple of choice allies to bring into play while still qualifying for the Strider willpower bonus. Note that these allies are really interchangeable, and basically any ally can be used. This will be especially important to try to minimize conflicts with other player decks, as Gandalf and SoG is already likely to step on some toes.


Sep 11, 2016 serre 115

by using timely aid, i suggest to play more allies or remove the timely aids...

Sep 11, 2016 Gerrymander 142

Gandalf's ability allows targeted uses of Timely Aid + (if necessary) vanish from sight to reduce the resource requirement of these allies, but admittedly it does need Narya to work properly.

Sep 12, 2016 serre 115

still 3xtimely aid is to much imo, they are dead cards in your hand if you wait until an ally shows up :) and arwen isn't that expensive either