Far From home

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Ipswatch 509

"By this time next year they will be safely settled within my realm as honored friends" - King Brand, The Fate of Wilderland

One of my favorite cycles in this game is the Sands of Harad story. I greatly enjoyed seeing a completely different realm from those depicted in the books, and loved seeing FFG's take on why the Harad serve Sauron. I have made many Kahliel decks, but they tend to be very similar in the way they play. Using The Last Alliance, I am able to bring Harad and Dale together with a deck that plays fairly well! There are plenty of interesting choices to make, and often times there are numerous choices for who to use the contract on.


Mar 15, 2023 cardiner 2

This feels very unique and interesting, would love to try it, me missing Ered Mithrin cycle completely excludes me of that, hopefully with that cycle beeing repackaged I could try this in future :)

Mar 15, 2023 doomguard 2101

funny, mostly when Kahliel appear, he not only appear amongst great heroes of classical middleeartheroes, he in addition becomes mostly not only leader of a few refugees he will be promoted to steward of gondor.... great man ^^

Mar 16, 2023 frozen 175

I'm actually working on a similar deck! Wondering what you thought of Traffic From Dale. With the contract you could give the resources to Kahliel, and I typically get huge amounts given there's an attachment in the deck for every ally and hero you have. Perhaps with Steward, King of Dale, and the contract, you don't need the extra money?

Mar 16, 2023 Ipswatch 509

@doomguard``@frozen You can tell when i'm not 100% happy with a deck when I include Steward of Gondor. It always bugs me as I am a VERY thematic player, so having that on someone that isn't Denethor/Faramir/Boromir/Imrahil bugs me. With this deck, I couldn't get it working fast enough to be playable with anything except Steward of Gondor. Usually, the deck is fine once it is developed enough to have Southron Refugee and King of Dale out and working, but it takes valuable time, and this deck needs buff allies quickly as the heroes aren't great at questing or combat.