QotW - Mono-hero for Escape from Dol Guldur

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Alonewolf87 2301

This deck tries to face off against Escape from Dol Guldur with a Grey Wanderer deck, aiming to reproduce at least partially the grueling trip of Gandalf himself in the Necromancer's fortress.

For this deck to work you must of course ignore the FAQ saying the if your only hero left in Escape from Dol Guldur you instantly lose, but rule of cool wins out this time.

This deck is not a truly feasible deck, it relies on a perfect Setup (as in you stacking your deck perfectly, at least for the first couple of rounds of so), so see this more as an exercise in style than anything else. Many thanks to @some sort for pointing out the main combo of the deck and helping me refinte the deck.

The game plan is the following:

Starting hand: Emery, 3 copies of Well-equipped, 2 copies of Timely aid, 1 copy of A Very Good Tale

In the Resource Phase of the first round you put Emery into play, discard 3 copies or Ered Luin Miner and put them into play. You move to the Planning Phase and thanks to side B of The Grey Wanderer you can play A Very Good Tale, exhausting 2 Ered Luin Miner. You discard Gimli, Arwen and 3 useless cards. You play the first Well-equipped and you discard Sword-thain (attaching it to Gimli) and another useless card. You play the second Well-equipped and discard Ancestral Armor (attaching it to Gimli) and Hidden Cache (add 2 resources to Gimli). Play the third Well-Equipped and discard Tome of Atanatar (attaching it to Gimli) and the 2nd copy of Hidden Cache (add 2 resources to Gimli for 4 total). Play the first copy of Timely Aid (Gimli down to 3 resources) fetching Giant Bear. Play the second copy of Timely Aid (Gimli down to 2 resources) fetching Lindir and drawing 3 cards (the 3rd Timely Aid and 2 more copies of A Very Good Tale). Exhaust Emery and Giant Bear to play the 2nd copy of A Very Good Tale discarding Treebeard, Legolas, the 3rd copy of Hidden Cache (adding 2 resource to Gimli back up to 4) and 2 useless cards. Put Treebeard and Legolas in play. Ready the Giant Bear with his Action and exhaust Giant Bear and the 3rd Ered Luin Miner to play the 3rd copy of A Very Good Tale, discarding Firyal, Quickbeam and 3 useless cards. Put Firyal and Quickbeam in play (ready Quickbeam dealing him 1 damage). Play the 3rd copy of Timely Aid (Gimli down to 3 resources) and fetch Jubayr. End of the planning phase shuffle Giant Bear back into your deck.

Get into the first quest phase with an army and steamroll the quest.


Jun 18, 2024 Marctimmins89 107

So you can put Emery into play without a resource match?

If anyone was ever doubting the absurd acceleration potential of cards like Timely Aid and A Very Good Tale, they should be directed to that text above. Bravo!

Jun 18, 2024 Alonewolf87 2301


Yeah when you put into play a card you ignore the need for a resource match.

This is of course very unlikely, the best of the best hypotetical scenario. Still yeah it showcases the amazing efficiency of those cards, especially A Very Good Tale.

Jun 18, 2024 Whispers 342

Very cool mind working ! Bravo !

Jun 20, 2024 ellipticaltable 204

As a fellow fan of "exercise in style" decks, this is awesome!

I started reading, and went "Oh, cool. He got a hero upgraded!". At which point, you went "hold my beer" and summoned a bear and Treebeard....