RCO Players: Welcome to Dale (modified)

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Derived from
RCO Players: Welcome to Dale 22 13 7 1.0
Inspiration for
RCO Players: Welcome to Dale (modified 1.2) 0 0 0 2.0
Card draw simulator
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Ser_ranin 3

Ser_ranin has a newer deck inspired by this one: RCO Players: Welcome to Dale (modified 1.2)

A shortly modified version of the "RCO Players: Welcome to Dale" by Mormegil (https://ringsdb.com/decklist/view/47938/rcoplayerswelcometodale-1.0).

After a few games there were some cards that I didn't feel I was getting the most out of, so I've tried to adapt them to my playing style. Let's see how it works! To maintain a good level of control and theft, Nenya and unexpected courage to Galadriel as soon as possible.


Jul 15, 2024 ludicrous 10

You do not have a Rohan hero as target for Golden Shield. You also do not have an unique ally as target for Sword-thain.

Jul 15, 2024 rueful_knight 22

I personally highly recommend Wild Stallion for your Guardians of Esgaroth.

Jul 18, 2024 Ser_ranin 3

@ludicrous you are totally right, thank you! I will change it by the wild stallion as recommended @rueful_knight. Thank you!!