RCO Players: Welcome to Dale

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RCO Players: Welcome to Dale 0 0 0 1.0
RCO Players: Welcome to Dale (modified) 1 0 3 1.0
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Mormegil 4787

This deck is part of Mormegil’s Deckbox, an effort to create an extensive catalogue of decks for the different archetypes, themes and playing styles available to players. Click here to check out the whole project.

Preferred Player Count: 1-4



Welcome to Dale RCO players. You are going to have an absolute blast with this archetype!

Today, the Ered Mithrin hero expansion is finally being released. With it comes one of the most fun archetypes (maybe the most fun archetype and certainly a personal favorite) this game has to offer - Dale. Dale's whole theme is based around attachments attaching to you Dale characters (including your allies), making them stronger and building them up to be quite formidable. Mid- to lategame, your are often questing for 20+ willpower without exhausting, have a whole host of potent combat options and will hardly ever threat out due to Galadriel. As I said, Dale might be my favorite archetype and I am extremely excited for newer players to it them out now!

Due to having most of their key cards being part of the RCO pool (aside from Spare Hood and Cloak), Dale is actually one of the most powerful archetypes of the revised content. The idea is pretty simple - get King of Dale out ASAP (and Steward of Gondor if possible too) since they allow for a very strong ally swarm. Play your many attachments on your Dale characters, thus boosting them and drawing you cards with Brand son of Bain. Galadriel further helps with draw while allowing you to get double usage out of your allies.

How To Play

I usually mulligan for King of Dale (with Steward being a nice alternative) to have potent resource acceleration online from round 1 onwards. From there on, you play down your deck as quickly as possible. As with all my Dale decks, I believe you should usually prioritize giving each Dale character an attachment before loading them up with multiple ones (to maximize your drawing and willpower boost).

Your allies fall into different categories - you have allies like Redwater Sentry or North Realm Lookout that fulfil a very particular role, you have swiss-army type options (like Guardian of Esgaroth, a fantastic card and maybe the most important ally in the deck) and more support-minded options (like Long Lake Fisherman to draw you cards or Long Lake Trader to move around your attachments however you want to spread them).

Your attachments (other than King of Dale and Steward, which are your resource engine) are your main drawing tools and provide nice benefits in terms of stats (willpower through Brand and other stats through their textbox). Mid- to lategame, a Valiant Determination on Guardian of Esgaroth creates quite the absurd stat-machine. Your events provide you with more resources, cancelling and deck thinning (through We Are Not Idle). Gather Information is always great.


Warrior of Dale, Nenya, Man the Walls and Double Back all get a lot more attractive in higher player counts, especially Double Back is a card I always play here as soon as I abandon solo and Man the Walls is a card that I usually replace Captain's Wisdom with in higher player counts. Squire's Helm is always a nice substitution as well, even more so in a quest that focuses on combat more than on anything else.



May 24, 2024 Whispers 386

I hesitated to post my version yesterday ! ;) almost the same as you !

Just consider Dúnedain Remedy ? So cool in Dale and heal is necessary :D

3 A Test of Will it s so sad ;)

May 24, 2024 Mormegil 4787

Yeah, I used Magic Ring often as healing and with your swarm of allies, I found damage to be manageable (sometimes even profitable since it lets you recycle some attachments with Bard).

However there are (quite a few) quests with more direct damage pressure and not putting Remedy in at least in the sideboard for those was an oversight. I suggest putting it in there for either Nenya or Warrior of Dale!

Why no 3 Tests? It is one of the best cards in the game ...

May 25, 2024 Whispers 386

I never wear 3 tests because for me it s winmore, with 2, it s enough, specially when you know quest ! With 3, it s often deadcard in your hand

But you right, it s a super card :D

May 27, 2024 Mormegil 4787

@Whispers Interesting. I'd rather have a card in my hand for some time before it saves me than not having it and losing the game.

In other words, I see ToW not as a win-more but as a not-lose card. And even if it's not gamesaving, it often amounts to a round with no encounter cards in solo for 1 resource which is an insane tempo boost.

If we talk about optimization, it should be in here three times for sure. If we are talking fun, I understand if you want to cut it though if you find it boring (I would agree there). I guess it comes down to what way you enjoy the game the most and in that regard, there is no "wrong" option!

Thanks for reaching out!

Jul 15, 2024 Msommi 1

I find grey cloaks very useful in this deck. Cost 0 attachments help cycling this deck very quickly. Also, a great match for north realm lookout.

Jul 15, 2024 Msommi 1

Do you need that many resources? I find the king of dales and the 3x traffic more than enough, usually.

Jul 16, 2024 Mormegil 4787

@Msommi I do like it for some quests that really pressure you from the start. For instance in Ered Mithrin, most quests are rather slow to build (so probably no need for Captains Wisdom). However if you then play a quest like Fate from Wilderland, it can really save your game imo