Three Wise Guys

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Revised Killer Deck (#RCO) 23 14 8 1.0
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Braveheart321 5

This is still a somewhat experimental deck, butit has been able to beat the first couple of angmars and even Anduin despite the threat level.

The Strat: 1.) Vilya. Mulligan for it.

2.) Both steward of Gondor and wizard pipe are tied for your next priority as both will tie into pumping out expensive allies. Once you’ve got them, put the former on ELROND and the latter, obviously, on Gandalf. What, you thought an Elf Lord like Elrond would want to smoke Ole Toby with Gandalf’s pipe? No. The wizard needs smoke.

3.) Put two UC’s on Elrond and one on ole Gandy (no not THAT Gandy). That way, Gandalf can be your quester/attacker, Denethor your defender, and Elrond can be your quester/backup defender and ring of power user.

5.) Between Gleowine, Gandalf’s staff, and the incredible elven-light/protector of Lorien strat, you can potentially go through your entire deck in a game. Put one protector on Denny for his defense and the other on Elrond for his defense/questing.

6.) Threat. Obviously, this is the biggest thing to watch out for when playing this deck. But between the nine threat reduction cards, three snares, three honour guards, and guardian of ithilien, even the starting troll in Anduin is easier to handle than you might think.

Enjoy, nasty hobbitses