Return to Mirkwood solo

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Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Return to Mirkwood solo 6 5 5 2.0
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Wandalf the Gizzard 2428

Wandalf the Gizzard has a newer deck inspired by this one: Return to Mirkwood solo

This is the deck I used to beat Return to Mirkwood in solo.

The main problem for this quest is that it scales terribly for the solo player as you have to absorb the threat from Gollum every round. This deck seeks to counter that with as many threat reduction and recursion cards you can muster. Another thing to worry about for this deck is combat, as the heroes are a bit squishy, so scrying should help with avoiding enemies as often as possible.

So mulligan for threat reduction, scrying or UC for Denethor, and Steward/Song. Each round power quest like you never have before, burying any enemies with denethor until you've crossed the finish.


Mar 13, 2018 Mazheven 1

Hello, please can you tell me how to create the sideboard's part when building a deck ? I've tried but found no tools to do that.

Mar 13, 2018 Wandalf the Gizzard 2428

When you are building a deck, click on a card's name to bring up it's info and text, along with some options. You can add it to the sideboard from there in the desired amount. I hope this helps.

Mar 14, 2018 Mazheven 1

Thanks a lot :)