Flash Noldor

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Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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None yet.
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

snikit 15


Jan 03, 2018 snikit 15

The 13nrv flash noldor played on sda jce tv. I hope i've made no mistake.

Jan 03, 2018 Marcelf 1368

This deck is great :) you can add Eregion Survivor now he's very good. I think you dont need so many Lords of the Eldar. One is enough here. it would be nice to have 50 cards so that you can empty your deck soon enough and play Lords of the Eldar every turn!

Jan 04, 2018 snikit 15

I think eregion survivor is a good idea too. maybe only 2 lords of the eldars but not one car this deck can play two of them in one turn. But one again this deck is not realy mine. juste a realy good deck that wasen't publish so i did the job ^^

Jan 04, 2018 Marcelf 1368

A earlier version of the deck is published : ringsdb.com

With this setup during one turn you play Lords of the Eldar once and the next turn you play it twice, but you only need one Lords of the Eldar to do that, so the second is not necessary.

For a even funnier version i suggest Erestor instead of Galdor of the Havens and get rid of these boring A Test of Will :D