The Capture of Gollum - My thematic Mirkwood deck

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None. Self-made deck here.
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My Silvan deck 2.0 - Silvan bounce-card draw extravaganza 2 1 1 1.0
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Mortendall 563

Mortendall has a newer deck inspired by this one: My Silvan deck 2.0 - Silvan bounce-card draw extravaganza

At the council of Elrond, Aragorn tells about how he tracked down Gollum in the Dead Marshes and brought him to Thranduil. I was not really aware of this, and was really excited to discover that the Mirkwood cycle in that regard serves as a prequel to the Fellowship of the Ring. I am sure many has done something like this before me, but I still wanted to build a thematic deck about how Aragorn tracks down Gollum with the help of the silvan elves. I know it is not thematic to include Celeborn, but I could not resist. For a more thematic experience, he and Aragorn can be exhanged for Leadership Aragorn and Haldir/MIrlonde but the deck will have a much harder time. It is fun to use Bereavor and imagine that she is a contact of Aragorn's that assisted him - an unsung hero in Tolkien's world.

This deck was succesfull in every attempted quest of the Mirkwood cycle (except Hunt for Gollum, which I have yet to aquire..). I know most people prefer to play progression style, and I eventually will, but for now it was really fun to build and pilot. I understand why the Silvan archetype is so popular - it is really, really fun to play. I have included sideboard suggestions that I used. I have adjusted a few things since I beat Return to MIrkwood based on my play experiences

Dream starting hand: The tree people, Galadhrim minstrel, Henamarth Riversong, O Lorien, Greenwood archer, Feigned Voices

Key card interactions: As all Silvan decks, this one uses the Tree People to cheat out allies. The best one to use for the Tree people is Galadhrim Minstrel and Greenwood Archer, as they have potent enter the battlefield effects. Hopefully, the Minstrel will fetch you more feigned voices, Tree people or a white council (which is effective for re-shuffling The Tree People). Return it to your hand when convenient and let another Elf enter the breach. O Lorien should help you cast elves every round and Bereavor is great to refill your hand.

Greenwood archer or Naith Guide are both fantastic to use with Bereavor's Card draw ability to re-ready her or keep her from tapping. She can also often be kept ready if you have Quick Ears in hand to cancel a nasty enemy.

Put a cloak of Lorien on Celeborn and use him as a primary defender - he will be rapidly healed once Silvan Tracker hits the table.

Henamarth Riversong is great in solo play to control what comes of the encounter deck. Being able to know how many characters you can quest with is fantastic.

Aragorn's ability is CRAZY for threat management. Both Carrock and Return to Mirkwood are so much easier when your threat can be reset.

Notes for specific quests of the Mirkwood cycle:

Conflict at the Carrock: You want Henamarth Riversong in play so you don't advance to quickly. once you know you are ready to advance, use Aragorn's reset ability. The trolls won't engage and Louis can be safely optionally enganged and killed, keeping your threat from skyrocketing.

Journey to Rhosghobel: Athelas is very useful of course. Swap in 3 dunedain caches to give the heroes ranged, to deal with the pesky enemies.

Emyn Muil: Ally spam and quest! Beware the Exhaustion treachery and rock slides, as board wipes become pretty frequent...

Dead Marshes: Keep allies ready for escape tests. Naith guide is especially useful to keep heroes from exhausting, tp be ready.

Return to Mirkwood: Make a stable Board Presence before advancing too much and deal with enemies as they appear. Use Aragorn to reset your threat.