Secrecy is Doomed

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
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None. Self-made deck here.
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Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Seastan 42203

So you've been playing through the saga with your trusty hobbit deck, but have come up against a brick wall (Helm's Deep/Pelennor Fields). You just want to beat the quest and move on. Well, this should do it.

The really tough quests in the saga tend to have a "freebie" round 1, then come out in full force on turn 2. You can take advantage of this by playing a bunch of Ents on the first turn.

We do this using doomed cards. The time for secrecy is over! Mulligan for Legacy of NĂºmenor, and Ideally get out at least Treebeard and one other Ent in the first planing phase.

From there you should keep drawing lots of cards and getting lots of resources to play your Ents as fast as possible, with the idea being that once you get a field full of Ents you'll be unstoppable. The massive gain in threat from all the doomed cards is offset by your low starting threat and by Sneak/Gandalf later in the game.

For Pelennor, I found it really helped if I could kill the Wraith on Wings early, like in the 2nd or 3rd turn. Sneak/Gandalf helps a lot for this, and so does Boomed and Trumpeted. Try to quest wisely and stall in stage 2 for a couple turns (your captive ally should be an Ent that is happy to take a couple damage) so that you can build up as much as possible before the Witch-king comes out.

This deck was built at the request of a generous patreon supporter.