Elrond Helps the Ents

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None. Self-made deck here.
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Card draw simulator
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Seosaidh 593

This deck uses Elrond and a fair amount of healing cards to ensure that Treebeard and Quickbeam heroes stay power up. Although Warden of Healing would be incredibly useful here, he was not included for thematic reasons. If paired with a deck that can play Spirit and has the space, you can drop Vilya and the Spirit cards and replace them with other cards such as Burning Brand (I know, I should have them in the sideboard).


May 08, 2018 Mad Morderan 135

How do you deal with threat being so high with this deck? Does it pose any problems?

May 08, 2018 Seosaidh 593

I actually haven't used this deck yet. I suppose that by swapping out some cards for an extra Secret Vigil and some Elrond's Counsels and maybe even some Favor of the Valars would do the trick. Valour decks are a thing, although this deck doesn't take advantage of that keyword.

May 09, 2018 Mad Morderan 135

Oh ok. I just have a deck that uses Rossiel and ents, (it's called the Hidden Forest), and threat is a thing that needs managed. In that deck I use Keen as Lances and Gandalf to lower threat and it works well. I was just wondering about this one since it's starting threat is even higher lol. I bet it will be fun to play though!