Theoden's Secret Army

AlistairB 107


What's this Fellowship About?

I recently opened up The Redhorn Gate adventure pack, and my first two thoughts were:

  • "Ooh, secrecy seems like fun, I could do some power moves with Timely Aid"
  • "Wait, when am I ever going to be below 20 threat? Being a hero down is not worth it for one or two cheaper cards"

Fortunately, I already had a couple of the saga expansions, and so there is one three-hero 20 threat option open to me - Hobbits. And hobbits and the rest of the Black Riders expansion give me other ways to benefit from having a lower threat than the enemy's engagement cost, so the secrecy cards will slot right in.

Since this fellowship was put together with the Redhorn Gate in mind, I wanted a good bit of willpower to support my halflings, so the mono-spirit Rohan support deck made perfect sense too. The result - Theoden's Secret Hobbit Army.

How Does it Play?

This was one of those decks that was originally thrown together to give me a chance to use some new cards, but then ended up being really fun to play, and performed well to boot. The spirit deck will give you all the willpower you're ever likely to need, while the Hobbit deck will happily engage and defeat an enemy a turn to fuel Pippin's card-draw engine. And there's just enough interaction between the two decks (Good Meal, Hobbit Pipe and Renewed Friendship give the spirit deck something to share, and Frodo Baggins provides a target for hobbit-based attachments to allow the hobbit deck to return the favour) to make the decks feel cooperative.