Sometimes we all just want to sit down and have a Good Meal. Others just want a full three copies in their decks. In all honesty Good Meal deserves those three spots. A one-off two resources in neutral is pretty good, as long as you can work around the trait restriction. My favorite use is in a Hobbit Pipe deck where you use this to pay for Galadthrim's Greetings and Smoke Rings. I think any deck with a Hobbit hero should have a couple copies of this card.
Good Meal
Attach to a Hobbit hero.
Action: Discard Good Meal to lower the cost of the next event you play this round that matches attached hero's sphere by 2.
The Redhorn Gate #10. Neutral.

Recently I have found a sweet use for this card in my Aragorn / Arwen Undómiel / Frodo Baggins deck - Good Meal synergizes perfectly with Stand and Fight. Consider this: if you lack resources, you can play Good Meal on Frodo Baggins, discard it, then discard e.g. Gildor Inglorion with Arwen's ability to add a resource to her pool and then play Stand and Fight to put Gildor into play for 3 resources. And in a perfect scenario it can be done on turn one. In fact, in this situation you could play any 5-cost ally (belonging to a sphere of influence) on turn one this way, even if you don't normally have access to its sphere.