TR6: Trouble In Tharbad, 2-handed solo, progression
mttrchrds 238
Enjoyable scenario. Nice new mechanic of lowering your threat limit and eventually getting your threat to zero (last time that happened was when facing a Balrog!).
It's a challenge but nicely balanced. I've managed to complete the scenario with a threat limit of 30.
The fellowship is very similar to the previous scenario (The Three Trials) with a few minor tweaks.
- Thicket of Spears, Feint and Quick Strike are all useful ways of dealing with Spy From Mordor without having him remove time counters
- Thrór's Key is useful for a couple of nasty locations (Ruins of The Second Age!)
- One observation was the nice synergy of Bofur and Éomer abilities
I would happily come back to this quest in the future.