Dwarves (Le + Lo) and Beregond-Eleanor-Legolas (Ta + Sp) fe

fiffox 68


Cards used: Core set + 4x starter decks

Description: The starting point is the dwarves starter, with some modifications aimed at making Gloin both a decent defender and (more importantly) the resource generation engine: Protector of Lórien and Self Preservation. The deck works pretty well on its own in the first scenarios of the game (Core + Dark of Mirkwood). The main limitation in this deck is the lack of Spirit (and therefore shadow and nasty events cancellation); it can also have some troubles defending properly (without having to sacrifice too many allies) early and mid game. All this is dealt with the other deck.

For the other deck, I really wanted something that uses Tactics (that I tend to use not very often, since I mostly play solo with a limited card pool) and that tries to interact with the dwarves decks (which otherwise can do more or less everything well on its own). I also wanted to include Spirit to "support" the dwarves. Therefore, the deck uses Legolas and Beregond, who are ranged and sentinel, and Eleanor, who gives access to Spirit, has low threat and provides nice support against nast treacheries (she has also a nicely low threat). The deck is not really about questing and has few allies, which works well in combination with the dwarves. One limitation can be card draw early game (when it's most needed), but generally speaking things tend to work smoothly. More limiting is resource generation. Having two heroes (one of which discounts weapons) helps to pay for more expensive cards, but sometimes the deck gets stuck with too many ideas and too few resources to implement such ideas.