common men aligned
doomguard 2171
a gondor-rohan fellowship, that benefits from many synergies of the partnership:
benefits to be aware of for all:
- lothiriel has rohantrait because of eomer
- Éomund counts for all rohanchars in both decks
- Boromir counts for all gondor-allies in both decks
- Visionary Leadership counts for all gondor-allies in both decks
- with Mutual Accord all have both traits
- Astonishing Speed counts for all rohan
benefits for single decks:
- discount from Théoden
- discount from contract (starts with bonus for rohan)
- Strength of Arms usuable
- Tome of Atanatar can reuse EVERY ld-event (sometimes Strength of Arms sometimes in this combo a Mutual Accord is of more use,.....)
contract usable for:
- Boromir (counts for all)
- Soldier of Gondor
- Éothain
- Visionary Leadership
- For Gondor!
choose wisely, if you burn a Mutual Accord in combat it might make no sense choose Boromir same with Visionary Leadership and Mutual Accord in the questphase. you CANNOT choose the Astonishing Speed of the theodendeck as target from contract, for that a Mutual Accord is needed. choosing For Gondor! gives the bonus to all!
- try to use Lothíriel with Éomund every round, if the other deck plays a Mutual Accord he readies every character in play. note: if healers are in play, use them before, if (MotK) Gléowine is ready use her before. Éomund is shuffled into the deck after use, so carddraw ((MotK) Gléowine and Daeron's Runes and Deep Knowledge helps and use the Mustering the Rohirrim
- use discounts as much as possible (Théoden try every round, contract if possible)
- equip gondorheroes (shield and destrier on denethor, weapon on eomer) to protect allies
the rohan-gondorsynergy can possible pile up to (asuming playing a Mutual Accord:
- +1 wp for all (contract on visionary)
- +2 att (boromir and For Gondor!) for all
- +1 def for all
- +2 wp for all (Astonishing Speed)
- readying for all after questing (#eomund leaves)
- readying for all allies (Strength of Arms