Three Power Decks

Sfrug 385


Seastan's Turn 2 Gloin Machine handles combat; Askelad's Rosie quests for the table handles questing; and Qwaz's Nope Deck handles everything else.

The main thing not addressed by these decks is threat reduction; Rosie Quests for the Table can move some around with Song of EƤrendil, and can lower a bit by using Galadriel whenever she's not needed to help boost questing power, and holding off on the threat raise of Power of Command when it's not needed (basically, those two things are really crucial for early round questing, but once Rosie is sufficiently boosted you can forgo them most rounds). (And it can help its own threat with Elrond's Counsel). Still, I wouldn't bring this up against Return to Mirkwood. Otherwise it's pretty solid.