Thematic LOTR Saga - Part 2/6: The Nine Companions
I'm trying to make as thematic of decks as I can, not necessarily quest-by-quest but in 3-quest chunks. This fellowship was used for The Ring Goes South, Journey in the Dark, and Breaking of the Fellowship.
Both decks feature quest support (Merry/Pippin), all-round offense and defense (Aragorn/Sam), and combat-heavy support (Legolas/Gimli). Together they seemed to perform quite well. Even moreso during the campaign when I put AndĂșril on Aragorn and Sting on Sam.
Getting an early Fellowship of the Ring proved very beneficial in order to quest strong while you build up the board state. DĂșnedain Remedy was very important to keep everyone's health topped off, as a lot of damage gets spread out. Pumping up Gimli to be able to do 10+ damage was the only way I was able to make headway against the Balrog.
In order to keep with being as thematic as possible:
- Gandalf was used for the first two quests, then side-boarded for Breaking of the Fellowship.
- Just assume any other non-Fellowship allies (Rosie, Galadriel, Arwen, Elrond) are more there in spirit to boost morale rather than physically there with them :)