Infinite Heals!
Splice 516
This fellowship is design to make a super powered Gloin as quickly as possible to allow him to accept all the damage in the game. The Gloin deck is hunting for 2 cards in particular, the Song of Wisdom and a Warden of Healing. Once you have those 2 cards in play Gloin can use his resources to ready the Warden, allowing him to always full heal after taking damage. The problem is that he needs some more HP to be able to take anything. This is where the support deck comes in. It's main goal is to get 2 Citadel Plate, Ent Draught, and Song of Mocking on Gloin ASAP. This gives Gloin up to 14 HP meaning as long a single attack doesn't hit for that hard, he can take all the damage. Then the real fun comes in with Song of Mocking because it allows Gloin to accept all damage for the other players so they can take every attack undefended and he will soak it all. The support deck's ideal start is with Barteringand a Citadel Plate to be able to get it over to Gloin turn 1 by playing it on Beregond for 2 then moving it over. Also it is fun to use Quickbeam because he can use multiple readies throughout the turn and the damage will get healed right off, leaving him at full by the end of the round.
Werepossum and I played these decks against Nightmare Carn Dum and won on the first try with 2 other random pickup decks at Con of the Rings. It allows for some creative plays such as Song of Mocking on beregond to have him defend for another player and take their attack then taking his attack undefended and it all going to Gloin before you get enough songs out.
There is some flexibility in the deck lists but the overall design is to just get the engine up and running as fast as possible. If you have any questions about it let me know!
You should mulligan for Warden of Healing because you have more ways of finding the song. Most of the time you are putting the extra resources from Arwen Undómiel on Elrond to power out the lore charters, like Warden or Rivendell Minstrel.
The big stuff on Glóin's side are because you don't need to readying the Warden of Healing for the last heal, leaving you with 2 extra resources each turn. Any additional heals become resource acceleration. The deck is really easy to play. The hardest part is convincing the rest of the table to take undefended attacks, as most of the shadows reference a defending character.