Wandalf the Gizzard 2508
rakgen 20
DeinoK 45
Xhed 7
kostur 18

Dwarfs and Gandalf 23 threat, cards up to The Grey Havens

Dwarf Defenders 33 threat, cards up to Across the Ettenmoors

Onidsen 1134
lordareon 13

Combat 29 threat, cards up to The Hunt for Gollum

Quester 29 threat, cards up to The Hunt for Gollum

Support 24 threat, cards up to The Hunt for Gollum

Xhed 7
ff0x 554
wehehe 1287

Rohan sp-lo 29 threat, cards up to The Black Serpent

Rohan ta-le 30 threat, cards up to The Mountain of Fire

kostur 18
Vasenia 10
Pirate Brahm 1074