A Stereotypical Dale Deck

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Dáin and Dale 1 0 0 1.0
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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In Play
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dalestephenson 1741

This deck is not creative at all, it is a crowdsourced Dale deck.

I looked at all the decks with Brand son of Bain to see what the most used heroes were with him. The vast majority also used Bard son of Brand, and the most popular other hero was Beravor. I analyzed the contents of decks with this lineup from 17 different creators.

To turn my analysis into a deck, I used the median deck card count to apportion card slots to the most popular choices in each category, trying to use the most popular count for each individual card until I ran out of space. I also limited the cards to a single core set.

The end result should be a stereotypical Dale deck -- one that only includes cards that others have used the most (by percentage, not raw count) in their own decks with this lineup. If you want the typical Dale experience, this may be a good fit -- and if it's not, don't blame me, blame the committee!

King of Dale is obviously the most important card and should be mulliganed for. I like to put it on Bard instead of Brand for two reason. The first is that I like Steward of Gondor on the same hero to give a 2-cost discount, and Bard can use his extra resources for items. The second is that Bard is more likely to quest (becaues of Brand's superior attack, so getting the willpower boost on him first makes sense.

After that it's just a matter of getting attachments on Dale allies for the boost and card draw, using Long Lake Trader or Bartering to move them about, and try to get Dale allies out. Guardian of Esgaroth benefits most from Valiant Determination and Wild Stallion. Warrior of Dale wants Bow of Yew. Redwater Sentry wants Hauberk of Mail and Squire's Helm, and North Realm Lookout wants Map of Rhovanion.

Further discussion of the analysis can be found at https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/2249642/deck-analysis-part-30-dale


Apr 17, 2021 ostracis 7

I just purchased the Wilds of Rhovanion, and am excited to try this out! Thanks for doing the work for me. I was just about to.