(Elrond = Gwahir) Finally, an Eagle Hero

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Jtothemac 475

This is in response to the latest article: here

We've got a few proxies. Elrond for Hero Gwahir, Pippin for Eagle Emmisary, and envoy for Wilyador.

Here is your stereotypical eagle deck. It's loaded to the brim with Eagles. Hirgon gets you a way to cheapen the allies you bring in, while also perhaps readying up Gwahir after questing.

Elf-stone and The Red Arrow are also decent options to toss in there to help accelerate the allies into play.

It's great to see a deck like this pretty much build itself!


Feb 19, 2020 Ipswatch 429

With the new contract you could make any of the eagles in your deck a hero instead!

Feb 19, 2020 Jtothemac 475

That's true! Though I am not 100% which of the unique eagle allies would be the best option. Most of them would whiff unless there are certain scenarios which start with a location in staging (for Meneldor), a way to discard eagles from your starting hand like with Galdor of the Havens (to use ally Gwaihir) and I can't imagine using Landroval as a hero makes a ton of sense either. But yes, it's now possible!