Kill them before they come !

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Card draw simulator
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

suipotryot 35

I wanted a deck based on Thalin, Gondorian Spearman and Spear of the Citadel as I love to kill enemies before they provoke me.

It ends with something very pleasant to play, with lot of action and decisions making it fun.


Thalin always go to quest with Gimli and Legolas, discarding anything acceptable to ready Gimli. As we quest lightly, Ethir Swordsman and Knights of the Swan come to add (lot of) will.

King Under the Mountain and Unlikely Friendship seems to be enough to draw. The Elven-light is usually good too and combo with all the discard of the deck. Erebor Guard and Ered Luin Miner, coming for few cost, can be big boosts for A Very Good Tale.

A Gondorian Spearman with Spear of the Citadel is a super blocker for enemies with remaining 2 PV. But sometimes it won't be enough, that's why there are Dwarven Shield to go on Gimli. A Raiment of War on a Defender of Rammas is actually a very good blocker too.

Legolas is our attacker. With a Rivendell Blade and a Great Yew Bow, he can prepare enemies to be ready to be killed by a Gondorian Spearman.

Gandalf in sideboard is there to reduce threat when needed, but I like to make decks without him and it's well running this way.