Eagle Deck

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
ALeP Eagle Deck 6 3 1 1.0
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Grimbeorn 76

Grimbeorn has a newer deck inspired by this one: ALeP Eagle Deck

Before everything :

Song of Kings is needed for Steward of Gondor and Song of Travel is needed for Stand and Fight ! If you have an idea how to replace those cards let me know !

Opening hand :

Song of Kings or Song of Travel (both are needed) and Radagast's Staff. Horn of Gondor is good to have at the begining (but if you have'nt in your starting hand it's not the end of the world).

Advice :

When an Eagle card will be discarded you can discard it (depending on the situation) if you have Eagles of the Misty Mountains.

After you play a Creature card, thanks to Radagast you can send for the quest him and Hirgon without exhausting him. You can send Gwaihir too if is this card has the Eagle trait (if you want to ready him you need to this card has the Eagle trait cause you do not reayd him at the begining of the refresh phase) and if you have another Eagle ally in your hand to later trigger the Hirgon response that will ready Gwaihir.

Use the Radagast's Staff each round, mostly to "reduce the cost of the next Creature ally you play this phase by 2", but sometimes to "ready an Creature ally". Rarely, if you play against enemies with the Creature trait (like Wargs), this ability can be useful to.

Put all cards that that gives you resources (like Horn of Gondor, Steward of Gondor and Envoy of Pelargir) on Radagast that resources from his pool you may use to pay for Creature cards of any sphere.

Best Combos:

Descendant of Thorondor when he will be discarded with Eagles of the Misty Mountains and Horn of Gondor will give you resource.

After the quest, whanks to Hirgon response, you want to play an Eagle ally, so you can ready Gwaihir (if he is exhausted).


Mar 08, 2021 nelloianiro 1015

I have no idea why nobody has liked this deck. I wish I thought of this.

You could add one or two Unexpected Courages, for Gwaihir.