Middle-earth's Best Deck

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
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Card draw simulator
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Truck 1416

This is the best deck in the game.

Obviously that's not true if you are viewing it from a "goodness" standpoint, but every round you play with this deck is pure FUN.

Why? Because you are sitting in your play area, staring up at the staging area choosing which enemy you will engage and kill this round, and not caring at all when Gladden Marshlands is being revealed for the third round straight.

You sit there, enjoying benefits of secrecy, swimming in cash, and doing whatever you want to the encounter deck. You engage a really hard enemy and dispatch of it in a round with your elite Hobbit army.

You see Gandalf be drawn and scoff, as he is not as formidable as Rosie Cotton, a mere Hobbit of the Shire.

Sound fun?

The strategy of this deck is simple: Get Resourceful on Frodo Baggins, quest with him and at least one other character every round to keep you in secrecy, and play all of the allies. Fatty Bolger defends, Merry attacks, and your allies do whatever is necessary.

I played a 20 round game with this deck against NM JatA, and it only took that long because I only engaged one enemy per round, so stage 3 took a long time to complete. But every round was (as I said earlier,) pure FUN. I highly recommend this deck to anyone who wants to have a good time.

Note: Whoops, the Fellowship contract is missing. Its a pretty important card, so I highly recommend adding it (: